Our Recruiters Pick Their Favourite CV Designs on Etsy

4 Minutes

September. It’s the time of year where you somehow end up buying new notebooks, cleari...

By Pareto Team


September. It’s the time of year where you somehow end up buying new notebooks, clearing down your desk and, refreshing your CV.

A creative CV can really make you stand out from the crowd. But, it’s essential that you build, or purchase something practical. We asked our expert graduate recruiters to review some unique CV designs from UK Etsy designers, and choose the ones that would really set the applicant aside.


Beth McLoughlin - Graduate Recruiter


This CV stands out to me as the formatting is really clear - the name is very clear at the top of the page which makes an impact. The colour scheme is simple, but smart and professional. I also really love the feature on the left hand side, where the contact information, skills and education have been summarised.

Etsy Cv Design

You can find this CV here.


William Renwick - Business Development Executive


Most of the CV’s that stand out often do so for the wrong reasons i.e. too cluttered, overly-colourful or have diagrams which rates individual skills out of 10. None of these features add any value and can make it harder to read. I like this CV as it is clean, well formatted and all the key information is well presented.

Etsy Cv design

You can view the CV for yourself here.


Camilla Warburton - Graduate Manager


All of the most important information is really clear on the front page, with the titles being an appropriate size so each section is easily located. It contains their LinkedIn details too, which is always useful from a recruiters point of view. I like how it doesn’t contain any information which isn’t relevant, I don’t ever think that there is any point in people putting a photo on a CV.

Etsy Cv design

You can find this design, among others, on the website CareerImprovement.


Ready to step away from Microsoft Word and try something different? You can join in our conversation about CV’s on Twitter, or on LinkedIn.

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