How to Attract Executive Recruiters to Your LinkedIn Profile

4 Minutes

If you’re in the process of seeking out new executive job opportunities, there are a variety...

By Pareto Team


If you’re in the process of seeking out new executive job opportunities, there are a variety of steps you can take to improve your chances of success. Designing an effective CV and knowing your skills and achievements is an important place to start, but just as necessary in the current digital age is making sure your LinkedIn profile is attractive and up to date. 

So, how do you attract recruiters on LinkedIn? There are plenty of ways to do it. From making sure that all your information is included in your profile to effectively networking on the site, with our guide you’ll find executive job opportunities in no time. 

Here are our top tips for how to get noticed by executive recruiters on the platform:

Enhance Your Profile

The first step in how to attract recruiters on LinkedIn is always your profile. You should ensure that your personal page contains all of your most recent work with bulleted details of your role, along with a few recommendations from old employers to give you an extra layer of credibility.

In order to show up in executive recruiters’ searches, it’s also important that your page is optimised for search engines. This means including keywords in your headline, job titles, and ‘about’ section, as well as your location – many executive recruiters will filter by location in their searches. 

Use a Professional Profile Picture

We all love putting a face with a name, right? And in your job search, the more professional looking, the better. If you’re wondering how to get noticed by executive recruiters, then ensuring that you have a professional picture on your profile is guaranteed to make a difference. If you can, consider getting a professional photographer to take some headshots. This will make you stand out from the crowd and let executive recruiters know that you’re serious about your search. 

Stay Active

The number one rule for any social media platform also applies to those seeking executive job opportunities on LinkedIn. If you don’t keep your page updated with job information and achievements, you’re not going to impress executive recruiters – especially if they’re looking at hundreds of profiles each week. To keep your profile fresh, make sure you’re liking and commenting on other people’s posts and articles, or consider posting your own articles. At the very least, ensure that you’ve filled out every section of your LinkedIn profile, and update your page whenever you reach a new milestone at work.  

Network Effectively

Still not sure how to get noticed by executive recruiters? It might seem simple, but having a large number of connections is an easy way to show recruiters that you’re a respected presence in your industry. You could also develop relationships with executive recruiters on the platform. This will make it easy for you to see the latest executive job opportunities, but you might feel uncomfortable doing this if you’re connected with people at your current job. If this is the case, take advantage of the Open Candidates feature, which will keep your job search hidden from everyone but those using LinkedIn Recruiter. 

Are you looking for executive job opportunities? Pareto has 25 years of placement, training, and talent sourcing experience, and our talented executive recruiters can help you reach the next step in your career. Contact us today for more information.

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