How Graduates Can Search for a Career in a Post Pandemic World

4 Minutes

Graduates, we know what you're going through. You went to university and put in the hard wor...

By Pareto Team


Graduates, we know what you're going through. You went to university and put in the hard work. You spent cold nights in the library wondering if it was all worth it. Then you sat for your last exam, handed in your last assignment before shutting down your laptop. Now what?

Undoubtedly, 2020 and 2021 were the worst years to be a graduate. The rise of a global pandemic, the fall of the economy and the lack of company recruitment might have made you feel like all the hard work was pointless.

Yet, we are at the start of a new beginning. The annual Student Development Survey found that the rate of recruitment among UK companies has increased. 48% of recruiters are employing at the same rate as previous to the pandemic, while 36% of companies have increased their recruiting rate.

What a time to search for your dream career!

Whether you know exactly what your dream job is, or if you are still unsure, we are here to help you with a few tips.

1. Update your CV

Your CV is a reflection of all your relevant career accomplishments and skills. Ensure this is brief and free of any grammar mistakes. Internships, volunteering and work experiences is what makes you stand out, so don’t forget about them!

2. Take advantage of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great platform to build your network. You can use this to search for jobs in your desired field, reach out to professionals and ask for advice or follow the footsteps of those you admire.

3. Be patient and stay positive

Career searching can be a dark and lonely road. You will get tired of rejections and recruiters ignoring you. But remember that you only need one yes for the doors to open for you.

You've got this. Come back to this space for more encouraging content!

Submit your CV or start your job search here today.

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